3 amazing ways to take flight over the Outer Banks

Photo by Raymond Kotewicz

I went in search of the most adrenaline filled ways to get my feet off the ground and these 3 are my top choices. I can’t wait to try one of these on a clear sunny day. They all look like so much fun…and a little scary.

1. In an UltraFlight OBX trike

UltraFlight OBX operates open air motorized hang gliders that are sure to provide an incredible experience.

2. In a biplane

Ever since I was a kid and saw the Sesame Street movie Follow That Bird where Bert and Ernie fly upside down in a biplane, I’ve wanted to go up in one. OBX Airplanes offers tours in an open cockpit Waco biplane.

3. Parasailing

Parasailing is strapping into a parachute harness and soaring hundreds of feet in the air while tethered to a boat. Sounds like a blast! Apparently it’s rather serene, but it looks pretty intense to me. Try parasailing in Duck or Manteo with Kitty Hawk Kites.

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